Adeline (she/her) is a mystic who creates sacred containers for people to show up as their authentic selves. Her positive obsession is wholeness, liberation, and the inner and outer work of justice. She is committed to building relationships, being a steward of the earth, and creating more justice for the next seven generations to come. Her work and approach is grounded in Black feminism and theories of women of color feminists.
Adeline’s spiritual practices include contemplative prayer, meditation, writing, breath work and yoga. Spiritual practices are our way of conjuring the versions of ourselves we learned to leave behind and inviting them back in to return to a state of wholeness that is not separate from the divine. 
As a writer, Adeline focuses on themes of home and identity. She writes to archive her lived experience. Writing is her respite. She writes so she may ask wiser questions of herself and the world. 
As a yoga teacher, Adeline guides her students in developing a mindful connection with their bodies, mind, and spirit. She invites her students to examine and implement Yogic philosophy into their everyday lives as they navigate complex situations. 
As a spiritual director, Adeline’s intention is to walk alongside her clients on their spiritual path, holding their stories with care and empathy. She trained in spiritual direction with Still Harbor, which trains spiritual leaders who seek to accompany those working for collective liberation.
Adeline received her B.A in Philosophy from College of the Holy Cross, and her M.A in Philosophy and Social Policy from American University. She was born in the Dominican Republic, and like many Dominicans migrated to New York City at the age of 8. She now resides in Boston, Massachusetts.


I believe that what we give our energy to expands. The current reality we live in was constructed and imagined by settler colonists and those who continue to preserve their dreams. I believe that the foundation to social change lies in our connections with others and that a world rooted in interdependence and care is available to us. Our sacred assignment is to rehearse the world we want our future descendants to live in. And so, it is not enough to grapple with systems of domination; it is also vital to unravel them within our communities and ourselves. I aim to support people on their return home to themselves and to awaken to their sovereignty so we can live authentically and expansively. I seek to build a world rooted in care where our survival is possible because of our interdependence and our responsibility to the earth and each other. With the guidance of spirit and my beloved ancestors, my commitment is to accompany freedom fighters as they deepen their spiritual practices so we can sustain our movements for justice and liberation. In the spirit of Sankofa, my approach in my relationships and work is rooted in honoring our creative, political, and familial ancestral lineages  and creating a sustainable relationship with the generations before us.



I design and facilitate reflective writing workshops and political education sessions.  It is my belief that writing can serve as a tool for healing and clarity, therefore, I provide space for people to write about personal experiences. My political education workshops cover a range of topics including wellness, Black feminism, abolition,  and community care.


In my 1:1 and public classes, I encourage my students to meet themselves where they are and allow their bodies to be their teachers. My teaching style speaks to the energetic and spiritual body, prioritizing play, expansiveness, and students’ agency over the asana postures. I Invite students to show up for themselves and use this modality to move through moments of tension so they can learn to respond more dynamically in their lives.


I hold space for women of color and queer folks who seek to integrate their spiritual practices with their political commitments. I listen and witness people share their sacred stories and the unfolding of their spiritual lives. For example, as they contemplate things like their purpose in life, new spiritual traditions, and how spirituality shows up in their everyday lives. I co-create rituals and guided reflective practices to nurture people’s connection with themselves, others, and the sacred.


Interested in working together?                                       Reach out and I will be in touch!